Covid-19 response
Covid-19 response
This effort would not be possible without the generous volunteers that dedicate
their time to making this effort the best it can be.
Due to the federal, state, and local guidelines in response to the pandemic, Latina Moms Connect postponed in-person gatherings and events.
In response to the increased demand and need for support, LMC established Covid-19 response efforts.
LMC members and volunteers answered the call to serve in the various capacities below:
Served in Nassau and Suffolk County effort with Island Harvest during the Food distribution efforts
Served and supported Suffolk County and Town of Babylon efforts in offering bilingual post Covid-19 testing guidance to Spanish speaking residents.
Supported Suffolk County Executive Office with face covering distribution throughout various communities.
Served on a speaker panel for Senator Brooks to discuss how women have been impacted by Covid-19.
Supported Suffolk County Executive Office with Covid-19 Testing information, Covid-19 Protection and safety guidelines throughout local “hot spots” of Brentwood and Central Islip
Offered Census information and outreach through digital means and in person outreach in Huntington community.
Supported families transitioning from domestic violence shelters into permanent housing by hosting a “New Beginnings” Housewarming Gift drive. Securing household items and furnishing for four families.
Thank you to all of those who served!!
Volunteer Testimonials
Volunteer Testimonials
Cynthia Serrano Graaf
I Volunteered with Latina Moms Connect to bring hope during this pandemic crisis, to provide post testing guidance and resources to the Spanish speaking Community at the Wyandanch testing site. Honestly at first, I hesitated when asked by LMC. Covid-19 testing really??? There are still so many unanswered questions regarding this virus. Will I be affected by so many being tested? My fear was overcome with faith in God. I answered the call. At first, putting on the PPE gear was overwhelming. The mask, gloves, and gown felt constricted. The precaution was definitely necessary and the experience was rewarding
The face of the testers; they had fear, pain, tears coming down their faces...some hesitated and some cried. Putting a thin tube up your nostril to the back of your throat doesn’t feel great at all. They were in agony. So was I, but my issue was the gear I was wearing was not comfortable at all. It gave me a deeper appreciation of the healthcare workers and first responders who have to wear this gear for 8-12 hours and 5-7 days a week. I realize this was temporary and for a good cause.
After the test, I gave them the information, encouraged them, and even prayed for some. Many were afraid, confused, and some had lost their jobs. The worries were real; some had no income, no medical benefits and little food. The resources provided explained how to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and protect yourself if you were sick. We also provided information for food pantry locations, rights regarding evictions, community updates, and social services information such as food stamps and medical benefits, etc.
I volunteered for 2 straight days and would do it again. The encouragement, information and a smile went a long way. I would encourage others to go out and help our community. Offering help especially to those going through this. The thought of having this virus left some feeling alone and afraid due to the virus and language barrier.
I thank LMC for serving the community, bridging the gap in the Spanish speaking community, and reaching out to those in need. I am thankful and blessed to be part of an awesome organization. There is no "I" in team. It’s a team effort when bringing hope to the community in time of need. I know there is a gap and the need for translation for the Spanish speaking community is tremendous. As a banker at Peoples United Bank, the translation for Spanish speaking is a full-time job for me. They feel more at secure when they can speak , understand, and communicate between each other.
Again thank you Latina Moms Connect for your tremendous outpouring of love for the community.